ubu Airbrush Tanning Studio
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This innovative way of creating a whole body tan has gained great popularity. Airbrush tanning gives an all over tan without the sun. This increasing popular procedure using an airbrush has made airbrush tanning a natural way to maintain a tan all year round.

Airbrush tanning, involves a process that gives you an even tan. This new method can be applied in a short period of time compared to using one’s hands to do the same procedure. Airbrush tanning is a quick and easy application procedure. Usually taking only 15 - 30 minutes depending on size and the amount of detail work needed. Airbrush tanning lasts for nearly 5 to 10 days.

Airbrush tanning is a new, harmless way to look tan without the chance of skin cancer. Tanning beds give you this risk as well. However, with airbrush tanning, an airbrush that uses bronze solution with dihydroxyacetone is applied to your body to ensure this golden look.

sunless tanning

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